Friday, August 4, 2023

Joe Biden Meteorologist? ☔


This week, President Joe Biden was accused of the most unfortunate sort of small talk: chatting about the weather. Devon Archer, long-time business partner of Hunter Biden's, testified this week that while Joe Biden was VP, he spoke with Hunter’s foreign business associates on more than 20 occasions! Seems to us that Joey B. is a crook, but according to a Democrat Rep., he’s merely a weatherman! Can we at least impeach him for being so damn boring?


In this week's Patriots Newsletter:

  • Real Big News: Biden family = crime family.
  • Hot Off The Press: Democrats might be finally abandoning identity politics.
  • For The Record: The mainstream media is still burying leads ...

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Devon Archer Told House Oversight Joe And Hunter Biden Spoke ‘More Than 20 Times’ About Business

The story of the Biden family's influence peddling and corruption took quite a turn this week when Hunter's business associate, Devon Archer, was interviewed by the House Oversight Committee, appearing to confirm key facts surrounding the alleged Biden bribery scheme.

Most notably ...

Biden spoke over the phone at least 20 times with Hunter about his business dealings, according to Archer's latest testimony.

Don't forget!

An IRS whistleblower previously alleged that Biden was in the room when his son threatened a Chinese businessman.

Most importantly ...

Archer's new bombshell testimony suggests Biden was not only in the room that one time but an active participant in other discussions of Hunter's deals, despite the president's repeated — and often angry — denials.




FARA-way from genius: It's safe to say Hunter Biden isn't splitting the atom anytime soon, or writing a PhD thesis on Ukrainian foreign policy. But he did display some foresight when, according to emails, he warned his business partner Devon Archer that they may run into serious legal trouble over their appointments to the board of Burisma. It's by FARA and away the smartest thing he's said in years.

Young Turk runs a-fowl: Left-wing media star Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks launched into a beautiful tirade this week against the Democratic Party, blasting activists for embracing "garbage" identity politics. She has a long way to go before embracing conservativism, but at least for now, she seems to be spreading her wings.

Well, well, well... It was awfully suspicious when, for the third time in several months, a Hunter Biden bombshell was totally smothered by a Donald Trump indictment. Once again, it appears the Biden DOJ timed things to perfection. 






Burying the 'Big Guy': The New York Times, your favorite paper of record, suddenly reported — in the 20th paragraph of its story — that it has “long been known for years" that Biden was aware of Hunter's business deals. To no one's surprise, the Gray Lady stopped short of publishing any damning details, unlike The Daily Caller.

Hunter's love child: The mainstream media never really acknowledged or reported on Hunter's daughter, Navy Joan Roberts, until recently, when Joe Biden gave People an exclusive statement on his seventh grandchild. The Caller, however, reported on Navy Joan well over a year ago.





Every single day across the country... Hunter Biden is struggling to get by. 


"Alexa, play 'Angel' by Sarah McLauchlan"


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