Wednesday, June 19, 2024

[NEW ARTICLES] Deadbots, griefbots, postmortem avatars…

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Honor Amid Uncertainty: D-Day Eighty Years On

Dr. Tod Worner

It is dangerously romantic to believe that it couldn't have ended any other way. The assault to open a Western front against Nazified Europe would not be easy. Victory wasn't assured. But on June 6, 1944, beyond prayer and planning, there was little to be done except to let the soldiers do their duty. And the soldiers performed brilliantly. 


AI Deadbots and the Need for Christian Hope 

Alejandro Terán-Somohano 

There is a growing number of companies using AI to create chatbots of the deceased, variously known as "deadbots," "griefbots," or even "postmortem avatars." This fear of death and lack of acceptance is the absence of Christian hope. Placing our hope in science and technology can never satisfy our longing for eternity.


The Cass Review on Gender Dysphoria 

Dr. Christopher Kaczor

The recent Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People (also known as the Cass Review) prompted much reflection on both sides of the Atlantic. Among its findings, the report makes a strong case that those suffering with gender dysphoria deserve better care, and we cannot assume that medical treatment is the best way forward.


Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: A Witness to Truth in Darkness

Matthew Malone

He lived through some of the most dramatic and tumultuous events of the twentieth century: the Bolshevik Revolution, both World Wars, and the rise and fall of the Soviet Union. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's uncompromising portrayals of life under Soviet oppression and his deeply empathetic meditations on the human condition remain some of the most spiritually resonant works written during the twentieth century. 


Middle Knowledge and The Good Place

Justin Kalan

The show The Good Place implicitly gives support to a somewhat obscure Catholic view about God's knowledge in relation to his sovereignty as it relates to human free will. With God's "middle knowledge," a novel theory proposed by sixteenth-century Spanish Jesuit Luis Molina, his ability to ordain the world to his ends is secure.


My Love, She's in America Ten Years Hence

Andrew Tolkmith

Released a decade ago, the record My Love, She's in America by the Stillwater Hobos is an encomium of the enduring, a feast of festivity. This album has struck a chord in the piety of many Catholics and inspired cultural growth within whole parishes, religious orders, and countless families. Folk music in the Catholic world will never be the same.   


Lessons in Apologetics: A Recap from the School Year

Thomas Griffin

In the final days of the school year, I always try to spend time answering my students' remaining apologetics questions.Their uncertainty usually revolves around the problem of evil and going to Mass. The answers to these questions show the pathway forward in apologetics—not just for young people. We need to have answers, and we need to show the logic of the faith.


The History and Mystery of Baptism of Desire 

Rachel Lu

Baptism of desire has been put forward as a mechanism by which souls might be saved if, for some reason beyond their control, they are unable to be baptized. This seems reasonable, but raises further questions. In his new book, Fr. Anthony R. Lusvardi, SJ considers the subject deftly and discusses how the Church's understanding of baptism of desire has been shaped across different eras of Christian history.


Two Heroes Unite at the International Bioethics Conference

Mark Bradford

Two of my greatest heroes were brought together at the Second Annual International Bioethics Conference organized by the Jerome Lejeune Foundation. The conference shouted in the Eternal City the joy of the Gospel and the beauty and mystery of human life—a belief shared by these two remarkable men, Pope St. John Paul II and the Venerable Jerome Lejeune. 


I'm A Disappointment

Dr. Tod Worner  

I was going to tell my dad, but I was petrified. How would I do it? How could I tell him that I was leaving the faith of our family? That I was going to convert to Catholicism? In the eyes of an unbelieving world, Chesterton, Waugh, and Eliot were not only fools, but sad, naive disappointments. But they didn't care.


The Higher You Go Liturgically, the Lower You Should Go in Service of the Poor

Bishop Robert Barron

The worship of God must lead to care for the poor, and care for the poor must lead to the worship of God—and this for a simple reason. Worship is all about centering ourselves upon God. The more we love God, the more we come to love those whom God loves; and the more we love those whom God loves, the more we love the One who made them lovable in the first place. (Léelo en español aquí.)


Devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Dr. Richard DeClue

The Sacred Heart devotion is tied to a series of apparitions of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. Jesus requested that there be a special liturgical feast for his Sacred Heart in the Universal Church celebrated eight days after the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. He told St. Margaret Mary: "My Divine Heart is so passionately in love with humanity that it can no longer contain within itself the flames of its ardent love. It must pour them out." 


A Parable from the Science Textbook: The Water Cycle of Creation and Redemption

Vanessa Lopez

The movement of the water cycle is an apt image of creation. As the water on the ground comes forth from the ocean and returns to it, all creation comes from God and is destined to return to God. We are first brought into the water cycle of redemption in our baptism. In the Parousia, the water cycle of creation and redemption will reach its fulfillment.


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