Sunday, June 2, 2024

Zelenskyy: China Crippling Ukraine Peace Talks; Gingrich: Trump Verdict Fuels Right; NYC Parade for Israel


Breaking News from

Zelenskyy Accuses China of Pressuring Other Countries Not to Attend Upcoming Ukraine Peace Talks

Special: Stay Plugged in to the Holy Spirit and Discover the Real Power Source!

Gingrich: Trump Verdict Feeds the Left, Fuels the Right

Parade for Israel in NYC Focuses on Solidarity




On this It's Supernatural! hour-long special, Sid Roth's guest, Mario Murillo, a modern-day Billy Graham who is reaching people for Jesus in unprecedented numbers, has brought back old-fashioned tent meetings in America! Not only are his tents filled with thousands of people, but millions are watching on live stream! Sid Roth's second guest, David Harris, went to Heaven and now when he speaks, some people experience the literal, tangible, fire of Heaven in his meetings! Watch Newsmax on Sunday, June 2nd at 9 pm ET for these incredible reports!

Then set a reminder for the first Sunday of every month to watch It's Supernatural! and discover for yourself the transforming POWER of GOD!  

Watch The Replay

Stay Plugged in to the Holy Spirit and Discover the REAL Power Source!

Mario Murillo was well on his way to being a teenaged Marxist when a classmate challenged him to go to church. That Sunday changed his life when he heard God say, "I want you to preach the Gospel." Two weeks later he led 14 classmates to Jesus! Today, Mario flows in the most accurate words of knowledge and sees amazing healings and deliverances. The shocking stories of the power of God he has witnessed praying through the streets of Berkely, and preaching in tents across America, will cause your faith to explode! You will desire to know your God and, like Mario, partner with the Holy Spirit to do exploits as He continues to set His people free!

The LOVE of God is Calling You to Your Destiny!

David Harris grew up in church but never felt anything more than what he thought was a dead religion, so he turned to a life of drugs to feel something. Just when the enemy thought he could count David out, he turned on the television and, flipping through channels, came across the movie, The Passion of The Christ. Suddenly, he felt the loving Presence of the Holy Spirit in his room! Today, David operates with one agenda… to host the Presence of The One who matters the most! And he longs for everyone to experience the Glory of the Holy Spirit that rescued him from a life of empty self-indulgence and caused him to pursue Jesus with all his heart! You will be as convinced as David is that the love of God is calling the wayward home!

Tune in to Newsmax Sunday, June 2nd at 9 pm ET for this life-changing, one-hour special of It's Supernatural!

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