Sunday, September 22, 2024

States Face Election AI Threat; GOP Applauds Walz Flub; Biden Blocks Gun Sales

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States Seek to Censor AI in Election Campaigns

Special: Are Big Payment Processors Secretly Stealing From Small Business Owners?

GOP Applauds Walz on 'We Can't Afford 4 More Years of This'

Biden: Background Checks Blocked Thousands of Gun Sales




Are Big Payment Processors Secretly Stealing From Small Business Owners? 

Discover how your business might be losing thousands to hidden fees and corporate greed. Learn how to fight back and reclaim your hard-earned money before it's too late!

Is your business bleeding money every single month?

If you're like most small business owners, you don't realize how much you're losing due to high credit card processing fees.

You work hard to build your business, only to see chunks of your revenue disappear into the hands of big payment processors. But here's the truth—they're counting on you not noticing.

Big banks, tech giants, and corporations have structured a system that profits off your hard work while keeping you in the dark.

Those fees you pay on every transaction? They're designed to drain your profits without you even realizing it. And guess who's left paying the price? The middle-class small business owners who are the backbone of America.
But you have a way out.

At, we offer solutions that eliminate unnecessary fees—and this is where it gets interesting: by connecting small businesses with a crucial lifeline that instantly supercharges the bottom line: compliant fee elimination programs.

This strategy is the relief mechanism that small businesses like yours need to leverage in order to reclaim their profits. But why are most small business owners completely in the dark about this?

It's simple: Big banks would lose a massive amount of income if everybody started doing this.

Stop Subsidizing Banks' Customer Rewards Programs.

Every time a customer uses a credit card, you pay for the rewards they earn—whether it's airline miles, cashback, or points. You're the one footing the bill for those perks, not the credit card companies.

It's time to put a stop to this. With compliant fee elimination programs, you can offer your customers a discount for paying with cash or debit cards, allowing you to offset processing fees by up to 99%.

Our compliant fee elimination program gives you control over your pricing by incentivizing alternative payment options compliantly and avoiding the hefty bank fees or regulatory concerns associated with credit cards. Imagine reducing your monthly processing fees by thousands. Think about what you could do with that extra capital—invest it back into your business, upgrade equipment, or hire new staff.

Start Now! Start saving today by clicking here to sign up and lock in your savings through our fee elimination program!

Everyone Is Doing It in This Liberal Economy.

In today's economic climate, small businesses are looking for every way possible to reduce costs and maximize their profits.

And guess what? Thousands of businesses are doing it every day.

Across the country, business owners are turning to our compliant fee elimination program to offset credit card fees.

At 247Payments, we are switching over close to 250 businesses every month—businesses just like yours, who are tired of paying exorbitant fees and ready to take control of their profits.

From retail shops to restaurants and service providers, businesses are realizing that fee elimination programs are no longer just optional—they're necessary to stay competitive.

With inflation and rising costs, why pay more than you have to for credit card processing when so many businesses are making the switch?

Protect Your Profits With 247Payments.

This isn't just about cutting costs; it's about reclaiming your hard-earned money.

While big payment processors want to keep you locked into their system, 247Payments is here to help you fight back.

We've been doing this for over 20 years, partnering with American businesses to help them thrive.
Here's how it works:

In just minutes, you can qualify for our compliant fee elimination program. You'll instantly see how much you've been overpaying, and once you sign up, you'll have your new system up and running in less than 24 hours. Whichever fee elimination program you choose, you'll be in full control of your payment processing, knowing you've made the best decision for your business's financial health. Click here to see how much you could save by switching to 247Payments. The process is simple and can save you thousands annually!

Trust an American Finance Company That Knows Your Needs.

At 247Payments, we aren't some faceless corporation…

We're a proud American company with over two decades of experience, helping small businesses like yours navigate the complex world of payment processing. We're American businesses helping other American businesses succeed.

Small businesses are the backbone of this country, and you deserve a partner who fights for your success—not one that profits off your struggles. With our compliant fee elimination programs, you can finally take back control and keep more of your profits.

Sign up today and let us show you how easy it is to save on your payment processing fees. Click here to get started!

Don't Wait—Act Now!

If you're still unsure if you're overpaying, ask yourself this: What's the harm in checking? You've already worked too hard to let your profits slip away to unnecessary fees.

Click here now to learn more about our compliant fee elimination programs. The sooner you make the switch, the sooner you start saving.

Don't let another month go by where you're paying more than you should. Join the thousands of small business owners who've switched to 247Payments and experienced the relief of transparent, affordable processing.

Take Control of Your Business's Future.

The clock is ticking, and every month you wait is another month of lost profits. Don't let these big processors rob you blind any longer. It's time to put a stop to it. With 247Payments, you can break free from the high-fee trap and regain control of your business's financial future.

Click here to get started and discover how much you could be saving with our compliant fee elimination programs. Act now—your business's bottom line depends on it.

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