Thursday, January 18, 2024

JP Morgan’s Dimon: Trump Was Right; NBC Slashes Jesus; Uvalde Response ‘Failures’


Breaking News from

Jamie Dimon: Trump Right About NATO, Immigration, Economy

Special: Trump's Warning Comes True – Protect Your 401(k) Now

NBC Ripped for Cutting Jesus Praise by Texans QB Stroud

DOJ Finds Police 'Failures' in Uvalde School Shooting Response




American Christians May Only Have 8 Months Left To Prepare

God is shaking America. It took time for the prodigal son to "come to himself" and realize his wretched condition. Right now, for prodigal America, the clock is ticking. We are under divine discipline, but God's discipline, once rejected, becomes judgment. 

We now enter the period the prophets of old spoke of, saying, "everything that can be shaken will be shaken." Economic shaking under the current Biden regime can quickly dissolve into – a total economic collapse!

The warning signs are everywhere. Who can deny it?

The current record inflation is causing people to feel helpless, afraid, and anxious about how to make ends meet... and it will only get worse!

Hi, I'm Lance Wallnau, a best-selling author and pastor to a national audience that I've helped guide for over thirty years. I'm the lone voice that predicted Donald Trump's presidency in 2015 and the term "Trump Derangement" – long before anyone ever heard the phrase. I also predicted the 2020 election theft and named three of the five states where the media blacked out on election night. I don't always like what I see coming.

And today I want to give you...

The Warning I Give Personally To
Nearly 1 Million Listeners

Which is this: Christians in America MUST take the possibility of near-total financial collapse seriously – and prepare!

Why? Because in addition to the dumpster fire, D.C. elites fueled with trillions of dollars of reckless spending, the coming global economic collapse will directly impact you when it hits the U.S. Dollar. Since WWII, America has been the world's financial backbone, with the dollar used as the global reserve currency. We NEED the world to absorb our debt and use our dollars – but all that is about to end. China and Russia have long wanted to de-couple the world from the U.S. dollar, and Biden has made that possible.

And that means America's 40-year high inflation is NOTHING compared to what's coming to your doorstep.

Imagine waking up and all the essentials (rent, food, gas, medications) are impossible to afford. Plus, the Fed is desperately pumping money into the economy in an attempt to prevent things from getting worse, while the dollars in your savings are losing value.

So, what can you do to prepare?

What Christians Have Done
Since Biblical Times...

...The same Prophet Haggai that said God will "shake all Nations" also said something overlooked, " 'The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine' says the Lord of hosts." God is telling His people that He is still in control of economics and working all things together to His ends.

Those words about "silver and gold" drove me to research how to use physical gold and precious metals to protect your savings!

And the best way to do that today is through something called a Birch Gold Group IRA.

This account allows you to keep PHYSICAL GOLD inside of a tax-deferred account... without paying a DIME in penalties or taxes when you transfer the funds into gold.

I am doing this myself because it is a God-sent opportunity for Christians to safeguard their retirement funds. So don't let it slip away!

Click here to request your free 24-page info kit on gold IRAs.

God bless you and your family, and America.

Lance Wallnau

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