Thursday, January 18, 2024

Mayorkas Impeachment Looms; Feds Eye 'MAGA'; Houthis Defiant


Breaking News from

GOP Memo: Mayorkas Impeachment Markup Jan. 31

Special: Senators Elizabeth Warren and RINO Lindsey Graham Submit Legislation to Eliminate Digital Money Privacy

Feds Ask Banks for Data on 'MAGA,' 'Trump' Terms

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Elizabeth Warren Introduces Legislation Aimed at Eliminating Digital Money Privacy.

"Banking giant Morgan Stanley says that central bank digital currencies (Digital Money) may contribute to a shift away from the US dollar."-January 2024


Fellow American,

You read that right. Elizabeth Warren, along with Democrat Joe Manchin and RINO Republican Lindsey Graham, introduced new Legislation to abolish Digital Money privacy.

Last year Joe Biden signed an executive order for digital money which piggybacks off of Senator Sherrod Brown's [D-OH] new pro-digital dollar draft. Senate Bill 3571 - Banking for All Act.

It's a disguise. It's called the Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act.

This is what American Banker had to say about the Act—an establishment dedicated to updating bankers on all financial and banking affairs:

"...This bill violates our digital privacy. The bill would require digital wallet companies to register as money services businesses, which means they would have to monitor clients' payment transactions like banks even if they don't move money. This means that a wallet company would be responsible for monitoring our personal digital wallets ... for filing reports to the federal government."

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But it doesn't stop there:

A white paper issued by the Fed's BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM titled:

  • Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the Age of Digital Transformation, published January 2022.

Direct quotes from the white paper:

William Michael Cunningham, Economist & Author at Georgetown University tells us "there is a fourth function of (Digital) money: as a means of social control."

This is a blatant attempt to control every issue
of your life, including your money.

But hey, who cares...

The World Economic Forum says, "You'll Own Nothing, And You'll Be Happy."

If you have a minimum of $50,000 and want to protect it outside the system of the greedy hands and reach of socialist Democrats, like Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer, we implore you to get this Protection Guide.

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