Friday, January 12, 2024

Weekly Patriots Roundup: CHAOS AT HUNTER HEARING


Hunter Biden, his lawyer, and his Hollywood fixer, made a surprise appearance on Capitol Hill Wednesday. During the hearing, one GOP congresswoman even insulted Hunter straight to his face, while another lawmaker displayed a lewd photo of the first son – it was quite the circus. Read on to find out more!


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Sometimes, you have to wonder if Republicans are actually trying to run oversight of the U.S. government and its cold-blooded cronies — you know, like, work for the American people for once and hold Democrats and unelected bureaucrats accountable — or if they're more interested in going viral on Fox News and fundraising off small-dollar donors so they can get reelected in about a year, save up for their dream second home in Aspen, or maybe a pool if they're in the NoVA suburbs, and retire with a nice, cushy think-tank-cum-lobbying sinecure.

But we digress...

On Wednesday, Hunter, his lawyer, Abbe Lowell, and his Hollywood pal, entertainment lawyer Kevin Morris, dropped into a House Oversight Committee's markup hearing on holding the first son in contempt for defying a congressional subpoena.

A few minutes after Hunter arrived, GOP South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace seized the opportunity to score some face time and lambasted the first son as Democrat Jamie Raskin tried to rein her in.

"My first question is who bribed Hunter Biden to be here today? That's my first question. Second question, you are the epitome of white privilege. Coming into the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed. What are you afraid of? You have no balls," Mace said.

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene stole the show a few minutes later when she too ripped Hunter over his past behavior and criminal charges.

Mid-MTG rant, Hunter and his cadre stormed out of the hearing room. As they walked through the Capitol, reporters hounded them, and one Fox Business correspondent managed to elicit an unprompted answer from Hunter, who rarely, if ever, addresses reporters directly unless delivering prepared remarks. In response, Hunter seemingly gave an excuse for why, on numerous occasions, he put Joe on speakerphone while surrounded by foreign business associates.

"Mr. Biden, why did you put your dad on speakerphone if he had nothing to do with your business?" Vaughn asked. "You put him on speakerphone multiple times and talked to your business partners, why did you do that?"

"You have a dad?" Biden asked. "Does he call you?

"Yes," Vaughn said.

"Does he answer the phone?" the president's son continued.

"Yes," she answered.

"Okay," Biden said.

The following day, Hunter Biden appeared in Court in California for his arraignment on nine tax related charges including three felonies. He pleaded not guilty to the charges.




Lloyd? Lloyd?! Biden's Defense Sec, Lloyd Austin, went M.I.A. for three days after failing to notify officials of an elective surgery for prostate cancer. Austin’s disappearance drew bipartisan backlash, with MSNBC host Joe Scarborough expressing confusion Friday over how Biden has not yet fired him. Gone are the days of General George S. Patton...

Heavy Pour: President Joe Biden will continue to wine and dine big wig donors in the White House just not in the Oval Office ahead of a potential clash with Donald Trump in 2024, despite pushback from his legal counsel. The White House Counsel's office allows the president to meet with donors in three rooms: the White House map room, the old family dining room, or the tennis pavilion. The president cannot solicit donations in the White House, but we all know that in D.C., unlike a war-torn African nation, the bribes are never too explicit — it's just some vintage grape, a medium rare filet, and a pat on the back from Uncle Joe.

Make Way For Illegals: An entire New York high school went virtual to make room for roughly 2,000 illegal aliens, and according to reports, the students most affected by the abrupt remote policy are lower on the socio-economic ladder. So, let us get this straight: Democrats left the border wide open for years; illegal aliens are flooding into their own cities; and now their constituents, who in all likelihood voted them into office, have to pay the price. Sounds about right in Joe Biden’s America. 




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Another Media Lie Debunked: The Daily Caller’s Brianna Lyman breaks down how the Democratic Party and its media allies are pushing a lie about Hunter Biden’s refusal to sit down for a closed-door deposition with Congressional Republicans. The House GOP wants a private deposition to avoid a media circus like the one on Wednesday and have the opportunity to ask more complex questions, however media outlets such as the New York Times are trying to spin Hunter’s non-compliance in a positive light. Read more here

Sassy Massie: GOP Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie pretty much called a CNN anchor an idiot on her show, and suffice it to say, she was not happy at all. Watch the clip from Daily Caller media reporter Nicole Silverio. 




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