Thursday, February 29, 2024

Hunter Admits $5.1M Extortion; Trump Disqualified in Illinois; Newsom’s Panera Payola


Breaking News from

Hunter Admits to $5.1 Million Shakedown Text, Claims He Was 'High or Drunk'

Special: Place This Strong Spice Under Your Tongue to Instantly Stop the Ear Ringing

Judge Rules Trump Disqualified From Illinois Ballot

Panera Spared $20 Wage After Big Donation to Newsom



Who would've thought that something SO easy, like putting this strong spice under your tongue for a couple of minutes...

Could make that excruciating ear ringing stop almost overnight...

While also improving your brain capacity and memory!

All without using toxic pills, dangerous surgeries or uncomfortable flushings.

Ear doctors are totally clueless about how this dirt cheap method works so perfectly.

But the fact that over 45,000 patients got rid of the ear buzzing in a matter of minutes...

Makes it too good not to try at least once!

This page explains everything in simple steps:

Strong Spice Under Your Tongue Instantly Stops the Ear Ringing

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