Friday, August 2, 2024

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Millions Suffer From Chronic Conditions — Don't Know
It's Their Thyroid

Breakthrough remedy
is radically changing lives

An Urgent Message From Dr. David Brownstein, MD

One of your body's tiniest glands — it's located in your neck just above the Adam's apple — is your thyroid.

It may be small and not look important but it's one of the most powerful glands in the whole body, secreting hormones that are involved in just about every crucial function that takes place in your body — heart, digestion, brain function, and more!

So, it should not surprise you to learn that if this tiny thyroid of yours is just a little off and not working at 100 percent — your whole world could turn upside down!

Thyroid Location

Sadly, I have discovered in my medical practice so many of patients struggle with conditions that are rooted in their thyroid — and they don't even know it!

In fact, many conventional doctors just prescribe tons of prescription drugs that mask and suppress symptoms but never fix the underlying problem of the thyroid.

Shockingly, many doctors don't even bother to test to see if the thyroid is functioning at optimal levels.

If you have experienced unusual fatigue, rapid weight gain or loss that you can't seem to fix, frequent mood swings, sudden hair loss, unusual heart problems, sleepless nights, frequent bathroom visits, even bouts of agitation and you find your hands trembling — all of these problems may be linked to your thyroid.

Many of my patients dismiss these symptoms as nothing more than "age-related" problems. "Completely normal for my age," they will say.

And, to top it all off, many of my medical colleagues and even your doctor may have overlooked some vital aspects of your blood results, ranking your thyroid as "normal" when it really isn't. But they are often wrong!

And the longer these signs are ignored, the more intense your health problems will become and worse you will feel.

Fortunately, I developed a solution!

As a medical doctor, I have observed this happen with my patients for so many years I knew I needed to provide help.

Patients come in with signs of thyroid imbalance and they have been to doctor after doctor looking for real relief.

About Dr. Brownstein

Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., is medical director at Michigan's respected Center for Holistic Medicine. Newsmax reports Dr. Brownstein is one of the top 10 holistic practitioners in America. He also edits the popular newsletter Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health and has written numerous health books. A board-certified family physician, he focuses on resolving the root causes of disease, not just the symptoms. He specializes in such conditions as thyroid disease, chronic fatigue, arthritis, hormone imbalance, diabetes, and many others.

And here is the surprising truth: Many times patients can be cured just by getting simple nutrients they are missing into their body — nutrients that cause no side effects and can radically change the way they feel.

After seeing so many cases like this, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

So I created a formula containing these simple nutrients that my patients could take to fix their thyroid problems and feel better once and for all.

My formula is not something I slapped together in a big rush.

It came after years of intense research, and treating thousands of patients.

Only then did I join with Medix Select, one of the nation&rsuo;s premier nutraceutical companies, to make an effective product for my patients and people like you.

This amazing product is called Actalin®.

Well, since my formula Actalin was launched in 2013, Medix has sold more than 350,000 bottles — it's most popular nutritional supplement.

My patients and others have never been happier because they saw their lives turn around!

Get a FREE Supply of Actalin to Try It — Click Here Now

couple biking

Now You
Can Benefit From Actalin!

First of all, it's a new natural breakthrough containing 17 hand-picked ingredients to specifically target your optimal thyroid health, along with your adrenal health and general wellness.

Actalin bottleHeading the list of ingredients in Actalin, I added 200 mcg of iodine, or 133% of the recommended value, in each daily serving.

Iodine is critical for production of adequate thyroid hormones.

In fact, you need three iodine molecules to produce the T3 hormone and four iodine molecules to produce the T4 thyroid hormone.

T3 and T4 are the two key hormones produced by the thyroid gland — and they are absolutely critical for hundreds of body functions, including your heart, brain, and immune system.

Many people think they get enough iodine by adding or eating salty foods.

But they are wrong — I have found most of my patients are woefully deprived of iodine!

It's Not Just Iodine

So when you take Actalin daily, you'll help cover your bases when it comes to this crucial nutrient.

But that's not all you'll find …

This advanced thyroid support formula also includes support for your overtaxed adrenal glands, with a proprietary blend that includes adrenal glandular powder.

You see, the adrenals are closely associated with your thyroid — especially your energy levels and immune system response. When your adrenal glands are performing at their peak, you'll be astonished at how wonderful you feel.

Many supplements ignore the adrenals and their important function. Not Actalin!

And there's more …

My proprietary blend also includes a trio of herbs used for centuries in the Ayurvedic tradition to naturally and gently stimulate the thyroid gland.

ayurvedic herbsYou'll find these Ayurvedic herbs:

  • Ashwagandha Root Extract has been used for thousands of years to help gently balance out the body's endocrine functions and also promote mental clarity and alertness.
  • Forskohlii Root Extract has been used traditionally to help support thyroid health.
  • Guggul Gum Resin Extract has been used by Ayurvedic practitioners for thousands of years to support thyroid function.

So Actalin includes iodine, adrenal support, and gentle natural balancers for your thyroid.

And that's just the beginning …

I also added L-tyrosine, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), and 10 additional vitamins and minerals to support your good thyroid health.

My patients say Actalin really works for them.

Don't believe me or them! Just Try Actalin With Our Free Offer — Go Here for Details

Among these additional minerals is selenium, and after iodine, it could well be the next most important mineral affecting thyroid function. Selenium is more concentrated in the thyroid gland than in any other organ in the human body, so it plays a crucial role in thyroid function.

In Actalin, you'll also find MSM or methylsulfonylmethane, an organic source of bioavailable sulfur. This sulfur compound provides support to the thyroid.

Zinc is also needed to support the conversion of T4 to the more active T3 hormone, so insufficient zinc can prevent your thyroid from making enough active thyroid hormone.

Copper and another trace mineral, manganese, help protect your thyroid from free radicals.

Sufficient quantities of vitamin D within body cells are required for the thyroid hormone to function properly.

Vitamin E is another antioxidant nutrient with a beneficial effect on thyroid function, exerting a protective influence against thyroid cell damage.

Vitamin A also helps to balance the correct amount of thyroid hormones.

Magnesium is another mineral that helps regulate thyroid function, and is required for conversion of T4 to T3.

Niacin and riboflavin are B-complex vitamins that regulate thyroid activity and contribute to the prevention of either an overactive or underactive thyroid.

Well, I could go on in much more detail about the benefits to you of all 17 of the targeted hand-picked ingredients in Actalin, but the fact is that you don't know how it will work unless you try it.

The exclusive formula in Actalin could change your life.

Go directly to our FREE offer order page — Go Here Now.

Healthy Thyroid Special ReportAs you know, I have spent years researching thyroid concerns — and I am confident that Actalin will help you maintain a healthy thyroid.

In fact, I'm so confident that Actalin will make you feel so much better that I persuaded its distributor, Medix Select, to let YOU try it out for yourself.

That's right … You have the opportunity to claim your own supply of Actalin and put it to the test.

With this special offer, Medix Select will send you a $39.95 bottle of Actalin FREE as part of our RISK-FREE OFFER (you pay just a small shipping charge).

Simply click the button below to get your bottle of Actalin rushed to you.

You will also receive A Doctor's Guide to a Healthy Thyroid FREE (another $20.00 value). This is my report that I share with patients, explaining everything you need to know about your thyroid and keeping it healthy!

Frankly you will be shocked by the information in this report that your doctor probably never shared with you!

And when you can put Actalin to the test for an entire month at our expense, you will be amazed how fabuluous you feel.

Actalin could very well be the answer to your mysterious illnesses and greatly improve your overall health.

Don't believe me — or believe the people who take it every day! Try it, for yourself, risk-free.

Remember, the choice is yours. You've nothing to lose, so don't miss out.

Click the button below right now for your FREE trial supply of Actalin (you just cover a small $4.95 s/h fee) and FREE Special Report.

CLaim Your Bottle of Actalin

Yours for Good Health,

CLaim Your Bottle of Actalin
Dr. David Brownstein, MD

P.S. Of course, you should always consult with your doctor before beginning any new health supplement or changing your medications.

*Health Related Information. The information contained is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional. You should not use the information available on or through the Website (including, but not limited to, information that may be provided on the Website by healthcare or nutrition professionals employed by or contracting with Medix Health) for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. The information is not intended as specifically applicable to any individual's medical problem(s), concerns and/or needs. When using the Website, as with all matters concerning your health in general, you should always seek the advice and guidance of a qualified health provider before: (a) making any adjustment to any medication or treatment you are currently using, (b) stopping any medication or treatment you are currently using, or (c) starting any new medication or treatment, whether or not it was discussed on the Website. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should read carefully all product packaging prior to use. ©2024  Medix Health, LLC.

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