Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Give the gift of The Gospels to college students

Help college students hold on to their faith.
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Dear Friend,

Young adults leaving for college this fall will face a crucial decision. Will they continue to practice their Catholic faith now that they are on their own? We want to share the gift of The Word on Fire Bible with these young people who are in danger of abandoning their faith.

Will you join us in our effort to give copies of The Gospels to college students across the country?


For every $20 you give, we will provide a paperback copy of The Gospels to a college student at a Catholic campus ministry center. 

Last year, our generous donors allowed us to donate more than 20,000 copies to more than 100 campuses! 

Here are a few testimonials we received from students and campus ministers who benefited from last year's donations:

"At the beginning of the spring semester I felt prompted to give a student a Word on Fire Bible when he first came to meet me. He didn't quite have a prayer life at the time (and I found out he didn't have a Bible), so I gave him one and taught him lectio (encouraging him to try it out for 20 minutes every day). He ended up praying lectio with the Bible every single day for months. He said it's really been changing his life, and it's awesome where he's at in his relationship with Jesus now because of it. I feel like it made Scripture so much more accessible and manageable for him, while also providing some guidance with the commentaries scattered throughout. Huge gift having those Bibles."

                                        —Campus minister at University of Maryland

"The Word on Fire Bible has been a great addition to my prayer life. So often I find myself reading the Bible and not understanding the message that is trying to be conveyed. I especially love the reflections on the Parables. This past semester I led a Bible study based on the parables and the Word on Fire Bible helped me abundantly! It is simple, easy to grasp, yet a wealth of wisdom and knowledge! I'm so glad that the Newman Center was able to gift them to students like me!"
                                        —Student at North Dakota State University

"Whenever leading Lectio Divina with our Blazer Catholic group, I always checked to see what images from sacred art or commentary from the Word on Fire Bible that might enrich our conversations. I often found these images, speaking directly to the passages we were praying over, would open the door for our students to have a renewed sense of awe and wonder at the suddenly not-so-ordinary Word of God."

                                        —Father Garrett Braun, chaplain at Vincennes University


Your generosity could be the catalyst for a college student's renewed faith or conversion. Please help us in this vital initiative!

God bless,

The Word on Fire Team

Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, PO Box 97330, Washington, DC 20090-7330, United States
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