Saturday, August 3, 2024

Holy Evidence: Jesus Did Rise Says Scientist


'Holy Evidence'

Scientist Converts After Studying
the Shroud of Turin

Dr. Robert Harrington, a renowned skeptic and scientist, recently shocked his colleagues and peers when he announced his conversion to Christianity after a groundbreaking investigation into the Shroud of Turin.

His profound change of heart stemmed from compelling new evidence suggesting that the Shroud is indeed the burial cloth of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Harrington embarked on his study of the Shroud intending to debunk its authenticity. However, as he delved deeper into the analysis, employing cutting-edge technology and methodologies, he encountered findings that challenged his scientific and personal beliefs.

"I approached this study with a critical mind, ready to expose what I believed was a long-standing historical fabrication," Dr. Harrington explained. "But the evidence we uncovered was so compelling that it left no room for doubt. This is the burial shroud of Jesus of Nazareth."

Get the Special Report on the Shroud of Turin HERE!

Jesus of Nazareth. To this day, no other figure in human history has ever gripped the imagination quite like the carpenter and rabbi, the man His followers have said for over 2,000 years is the Son of God.

Though His time on Earth was brief, He singularly divides history and continues to divide the world into believers and nonbelievers.

Crucial to this belief in Him is that He not only lived and died but actually rose from the dead in a supernatural resurrection.

That's likely why new scientific evidence discovered on the Shroud of Turin has stunned the world.

In a special report from Newsmax Magazine, our investigation finds that the Shroud is not only authentic but is the burial cloth of a Jewish male who died exactly as the Bible says.

New evidence from modern archaeological findings shows that the man depicted on the Shroud died just as the Romans of Jesus' time conducted crucifixions.

See All of the Evidence HERE!

The latest scientific findings — using devices that scan deep space and probe the smallest nanoparticles of the cell — have backed up claims many Christians have long held about the cloth.

  • Scientists are certain the Shroud is that of a crucified man
  • The image on the Shroud has never been replicated before and is not art
  • Why carbon-14 dating that sets the Shroud in the 13th century was faulty
  • New X-ray dating methods put the Shroud's origins to the time of Jesus
  • The energy it took to produce the image would be equal to all the electrical power generated in the world today
  • Blood evidence: dozens of indicators that show the man who was buried died just as the Bible claims
  • Secret message: Was the hidden "3" mark on Jesus' forehead His last message for the "End Times"?
  • Traditional Jewish burial: multiple points of evidence the man was a religious Jew
  • The Jewish photography expert who concluded the Shroud is 100% real
  • The Jewish botanist who pinpointed pollens on the Shroud linking it to Jerusalem
  • The missing link: New science proves the Sudarium, a burial facecloth, was used on the same body as the Shroud
  • A famous illustrator uses the Shroud to make a portrait of what Jesus really looked like

French historian Jean-Christian Petitfils studied the Shroud and concluded: Its authenticity can no longer be disputed.

Newsmax probes the fascinating and exhaustively researched details about the Shroud and offers the most compelling answers yet that will leave the devout and nonbelievers alike shaken to their core.

You won't want to miss this special issue of Newsmax Magazine — one of the world's fastest-growing publications straight from the heart of America.

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