Wednesday, July 31, 2024

[NEW ARTICLES] The 2024 election will not decide God’s triumph

I want to be a real boy!
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Made, Named, and Loved: Pinocchio with Reflections on a Father's Love

Mary Grace Mangano

Well-Read Mom and Wiseblood Books collaborated to publish an edition of Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio with commentary from the Dante scholar Franco Nembrini. He begins by showing readers how the story starts much like the story of creation and then parallels the story of the prodigal son. The desire to be real, to be true, to be fully alive is not just Pinocchio's desire, but it is the desire of the human heart. We too are "made, named, and loved" into existence by a gracious God.


Beware the Idolatry of Politics 

Thomas Griffin

The Trump assassination attempt gained the attention of all Americans and people across the globe—and rightfully so. If you were like me, you were sucked into the constant recycling of commentary on the event. Then eight days later, President Biden announced he was ending his campaign for re-election. Politics will continue to dominate the headlines, however, there is often a hyper-attentiveness and value placed on it. Catholics are called to be informed, but we must always be careful to not worship politics nor the news cycle.


The Eucharistic Congress and the Primacy of the Supernatural

Bishop Robert Barron

To see more than 50,000 people all gathered together to celebrate and commune with their Eucharistic Lord was splendid beyond words. What made the Congress successful is that it was predicated upon the supernatural. It exuded the spirit of the supernatural. Liberal Catholicism could never have pulled off what happened in Indianapolis. The problem with liberalism is that the natural cannot contain or adequately bear the supernatural. (Léelo en español aquí.)


How to Use Reason to Learn About God

Caroline Foreman

"You don't need faith, or the Bible, or to appeal to religious authority to come to know that there must be a First Cause of the universe." Does the question of God's existence pertain just to faith, or can we also use reason to learn about the reality of God? The Word on Fire Institute has just launched a new course, How to Use Reason to Learn About God. Caroline Foreman joined the presenter of the course, Dr. Christopher Kaczor, to discover what we can expect to learn.


Celebrating the Epochal Publication of The Fellowship of the Ring 70 Years On

Dr. Holly Ordway

Classical, medieval, and modern: all interwoven in the earliest tales of Middle-earth. Tolkien, like a scribe of the kingdom, brought out from his storehouse treasures both old and new. He looked both ahead and behind, aiming to preserve the best that history had to offer by making it accessible to contemporary readers. When we look at the fantasy genre before and after Tolkien, we can see that something epochal happened with the publication of The Lord of the Rings.    


Leave the World a Better Place and a Better Person

Dr. Richard Clements

If we leave the world a better person, then we also will have left the world a better place, because there will be ripple effects that radiate outward from the better person we became, hopefully touching an untold number of lives along the way. Our mission may not be what we would have chosen for ourselves if it were left entirely up to our own self-centered will, but it is the mission that will enable us to become the loving person that God created us to be.


The Place of Beauty in Catechesis 

Fr. Billy Swan

Expressions of beauty in creation, music, art, and the lives of the saints are opportunities to encounter Christ and accompany others towards faith in him. In the vision of Pope Francis, the role of evangelizers and catechists is critical in leading people along the way of beauty that leads to faith. May we become the Church Christ intended—to be "Lumen Gentium"—showing the light of God's beauty to the nations. And may they come to believe in the God of beauty too.


Praying to the God Who Overcomes the Gap 

Dr. Tod Worner

Between the missionary's efforts and God's perfection, there is always a gap. We try to convince ourselves otherwise, but we are simply incapable of overcoming it. We simply cannot do it alone. One of the greatest epiphanies I have ever had is recognizing that there is a God on the other side of my prayers. May prayer help us trust, hope, and love the God who overcomes the gap and the many souls he is entrusting to our passionate evangelization.


Meet Secondary Catholic Educator Dr. Melissa Mitchell  

Nell O'Leary

"One essential component of Catholic teacher formation should be rooted in the life and work of the saints and most notably for this community of educators, St. Thomas Aquinas and his tireless efforts to teach the faith to his students." Dr. Melissa Mitchell leads the Word on Fire Institute's Secondary Catholic Educators Formation Community. She joined Nell O'Leary to discuss the goal and mission of the vibrant community.


Philosopher David Solomon Enters the Catholic Church

Dr. Christopher Kaczor

We can now add David Solomon to the long list of distinguished philosophers who have converted to Catholicism. His conversion is a culmination of a life of study, a consolation to his many friends, and an intensification of the union with his wonderful wife Lou. Solomon's course on virtue ethics at Notre Dame has influenced my thinking about ethics to this day. Now Solomon has given us all yet another lesson by his powerful example: to take the next step that God gives us.  


No, Ray Kurzweil Is Not Right (Again), and You Won't Meet His Immortal Soul in the Cloud

Dr. Steven Umbrello

In a recent Wired article, prominent futurist Ray Kurzweil envisions an imminent arrival of the singularity—a point where artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence and enables unprecedented technological and existential transformations, along with humans merging with AI. However, Bernard Lonergan's theory of intentional consciousness and Robert Doran's concept of psychic conversion demonstrate that Kurzweil's vision is fundamentally flawed.   


Green Pathways Back to Church?

Colin Smith

How might the growing ranks of the religiously unaffiliated who express concern and love for nature find their way to the God of Jesus Christ? While nature can console and inspire, it cannot address the suffering and sin in human hearts and lives. And while Christians should care for the earth, they also look in hope to "the new heavens and the new earth." There are three points of departure that open-minded nature-lovers might explore: beauty, ethics, and spirituality.


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