Sunday, July 28, 2024

Trump: Harris ‘Pro-Criminal Extremist’; Putin Threatens New Cold War; Paris Apologizes for Mocking Last Supper

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Trump Ad Calls Out VP Harris as 'a Pro-Criminal Extremist'

Special: Doctor's 'Twin Swap' Health Hack Ends Common Cholesterol Woes

Putin Threatens Cold War-Style Missile Crisis

Paris Olympics Apologizes for Mocking 'Last Supper'

Doctor Reveals How This Classic Twin Swap Trick Helps You Get Ahead of Your Cholesterol

Dear Friend,

It's a classic plot twist in books and movies . . .

Identical twins swap places.

Do you remember the original 1960s movie The Parent Trap? (I know, I'm dating myself here.)

Legendary actress Hayley Mills played the dual role of identical teenage twins, who were separated at birth when their parents divorced.

The girls finally meet by chance at summer camp — and each is shocked to realize she had an identical twin sister.

Once camp is over, the teen girls switch places with each other to learn about the missing part of their lives — and reunite their divorced parents.

Now, I have to tell you . . .

I'm a cardiologist, not a movie reviewer.

Meet Dr. Crandall

Chauncey Crandall, M.D. practices interventional, vascular, and transplant cardiology. He is head of the Cardiac Transplant Program at Florida's Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic. He received his post-graduate medical training at Yale University School of Medicine, and did a cardiology fellowship at Beth Israel Hospital and Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. Dr. Crandall has conducted a number of research studies and clinical trials, and published his research in several prestigious medical journals. He is also medical editor of the popular monthly newsletter Dr. Chauncey Crandall's Heart Health Report.

So you might be wondering why I'm bringing up the old twin "switcheroo" plot twist — and what on earth it has to do with your cholesterol . . .

Well, I'll tell you.

But first, let's back up for a second.

Because there are a few things you should understand about cholesterol.

Of course, you already know that maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is a great way to keep your heart healthy.

The average American has a total cholesterol level of 200. This puts it squarely in the borderline range.

And by "borderline," I mean your cholesterol level is at the higher range of normal.

But total cholesterol isn't the whole story.

You also need to keep tabs on:

LDL — the "bad" cholesterol we want to keep within the normal range

HDL — the "good" cholesterol that actually helps to clear some of that LDL cholesterol from your blood

Triglycerides — another important blood fat or lipid

As an interventional cardiologist, I always advise my patients to eat a heart-healthy diet and get moderate exercise.

But in many cases, it's not enough.

That's why I recommend certain special nutrients that support optimal cardiac function and cholesterol levels.

And that brings me back around to that cholesterol twin connection . . .

Cholesterol Has a Healthy 'Twin'

Plant sterols, also known as phytosterols, are the plant version of cholesterol.

And listen to this . . .

Plant sterols play the old switcheroo in a very clever way.

Chemically speaking, plant sterols are very similar in structure to cholesterol.

So these plant cholesterol "twins" are able to trade places with your cholesterol . . .

In fact, they compete with cholesterol in your digestive tract.

Animal-sourced cholesterol in your diet becomes displaced by these plant sterols, so it isn't absorbed by your body — and you excrete the cholesterol when you go to the bathroom.

That sounds like a pretty good switch, doesn't it?

It gets better, though . . .

Plant sterols can actually help lower blood levels of your LDL or "bad" cholesterol.

Repeated studies under rigorous scientific scrutiny have shown that plant sterols help lower cholesterol when used as part of a diet low in cholesterol and fat.

And here's another thing . . .

Plant sterols lower cholesterol through a totally different mechanism than statin drugs commonly prescribed to lower cholesterol.

So some people may be able to compound the beneficial effect of statin medication — or even lower the dosage — by adding a regimen of plant sterols (under doctor supervision, of course).

However, research tells us there's a catch . . .

Plant sterols work best at lowering cholesterol with a daily intake of 2 grams per day.

Even the National Cholesterol Education Program advises people with cholesterol concerns to consume 2 grams of phytosterols a day.

Unfortunately, most people eating the average American diet only get about 10% or less of the necessary 2 grams.

So you can't even come close to consuming enough plant sterols with diet alone.

That's why I made plant sterols the flagship ingredient in my advanced heart and cholesterol support formula CARDIO ADVANCED®.

12 Powerful Ingredients for Natural Cholesterol and Heart Health Support

You've already seen how powerful plant sterols are when it comes to cholesterol.

But the news gets even better . . .

Plant sterols may actually LOWER your risk for heart disease.

Here's how it works:

One serving of CARDIO ADVANCED supplies 1 gram of esterified phytosterols. Two grams of esterified phytosterols, the ingredient found in 2 daily servings of this formula, may reduce the risk of heart disease when eaten with meals or snacks and taken as part of a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fat.

But I didn't stop with plant sterols. I added 11 more proven ingredients to the formula.

CoQ10 — The Potent Antioxidant for Your Heart and Body

CoQ10 is found in the mitochondria of all your body's cells.

In school, you probably learned that mitochondria function as the "powerhouse" of the cell, because this is where your cellular energy is produced.

Health Benefits of Doctor-Developed CARDIO ADVANCED

  1. Promotes heart health
  2. Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels already within the normal range
  3. Supports healthy heart rhythm
  4. Provides antioxidant support

Your heart has the highest demand for CoQ10 because of its energy requirements to keep it beating constantly. That's why CoQ10 is highly concentrated in heart muscle cells.

Unfortunately, CoQ10 levels gradually begin to decline as we age.

That's why boosting your CoQ10 levels through supplementation helps promote good heart muscle function. And that's also why I made sure CARDIO ADVANCED contains 60 mg of CoQ10.

While keeping LDL cholesterol levels low is a crucial part of the heart health picture, preventing the oxidation of LDL by free radicals is also important.

CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant.

This is important because antioxidants fight damaging particles in your body called free radicals.

When it comes to your heart, research suggests that CoQ10 plays a role in the antioxidation of LDL cholesterol, which promotes arterial health.

This adds even more power to the plant sterols in CARDIO ADVANCED, delivering a "knockout punch" to LDL cholesterol.

So what else is in CARDIO ADVANCED?

The Heart Loves B Vitamins!

All the B vitamins are water-soluble. This means your body does not store them and they need to be replenished daily.

So I've included SIX of these heart health-supporting B vitamins in CARDIO ADVANCED:

Niacin (as Niacinamide) — Helps raise "good" cholesterol and decrease "bad" cholesterol

B9 (Folic acid) — Promotes overall heart health and may support arterial health

B6 (Pyroxidine) & B12 (Cobalamin) — Studies suggest they help maintain normal levels of the amino acid homocysteine, which is important to good circulatory health

B1 (Thiamin) — Helps support energy production in your heart & body

B2 (Riboflavin) — Another antioxidant vitamin important in heart health

Hawthorn — The Secret European Weapon to Support Heart Health

Hawthorn berry, also found in CARDIO ADVANCED, contains bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties. It's widely used in Europe to promote good circulatory health.

Hawthorn helps support good coronary artery blood flow, promotes normal blood pressure, and helps protect blood vessels from damage.

Plus 3 More Heart-Healthy Nutrients

Magnesium — Helps maintain normal heart rhythm, supports normal blood pressure, and may help promote normal levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides

Vitamin D3 — Helps regulate critical processes in heart health, including blood pressure, blood clotting, and inflammatory response

Vitamin C — Helps support arterial health and may support cholesterol balance

I'm confident in the research behind the ingredients in CARDIO ADVANCED — and in the processing and packaging that goes into bringing it directly to you, ready to provide you with a source of high-quality nutrients.

In fact, I'm so confident that CARDIO ADVANCED can help support your optimal heart health and cholesterol levels, I wanted to make sure you had the opportunity to try it for yourself.

Put CARDIO ADVANCED to the Test.

The premium supplement company Medix Select will send you a $49.95 bottle of CARDIO ADVANCED so you can try it for yourself.

You merely cover a small $4.95 shipping fee and will be enrolled in a convenient and affordable Smart Ship program.

If you are not 100% satisfied with CARDIO ADVANCED, simply call and cancel within 21 days and keep your trial bottle.

If you love CARDIO ADVANCED, the Smart Ship program will conveniently send you a three-month supply at a 33% discount ($99.90 for three bottles — only $33.30 a bottle). Plus, you'll enjoy FREE shipping with all future shipments.

And don't worry, you can easily cancel at any time — for any reason.

Click here to tell Medix Select where to send your trial bottle of CARDIO ADVANCED

Over the years, I've looked at many alternatives when it comes to supplements that support heart health and cholesterol levels.

I have yet to find one that rivals the set of 12 ingredients in CARDIO ADVANCED. That's why I recommend it — and take it on a daily basis myself.

I'm sure I don't need to convince you about the importance of your heart health when it comes to enjoying an active, energetic lifestyle for decades to come.

Please take advantage of this special offer to try CARDIO ADVANCED for yourself.

Yours in Health,

Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

P.S. Along with your trial bottle of CARDIO ADVANCED, you'll also receive a $20 gift — a FREE COPY of my report A Doctor's Guide to a Healthy Heart. It's jam-packed with simple natural strategies to help you keep your ticker running smoothly for decades to come. Click here now to claim your trial bottle of CARDIO ADVANCED and FREE report!

Get Your Sample and Give It a Test!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Terms and Conditions Apply. Please call or see our website for complete details. All information presented above is for informational purposes only and is not specifically applicable to any individual's medical problems, concerns, and/or needs. Readers are advised to consult a health professional about any issue regarding their health and well-being. *Testimonials appearing above are from actual customers who have used our products in some way or another. Testimonials reflect their experience with our product and are not necessarily representative of all those who will use our product. ©2024 Medix Health, LLC. All rights reserved. Medix Select is a registered trademark of Medix Health, LLC.

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