Wednesday, July 3, 2024

[NEW ARTICLES] “You do you, and I’ll do me.”

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Faith Works Wonders in Sound of Hope

Matthew Becklo

There is no romanticizing of poverty here. And there is certainly no sentimentalizing of religion. The faith at the heart of Sound of Hope is a faith that works. This new film from Angel Studios presents a robust, gritty vision of the Christian faith in action in a fallen world. It's a summons to Christians to go out into the world and live out, in concrete ways, what it is we say we believe.


Embracing the Trades at the College of Saint Joseph the Worker 

Dr. Jacob Imam

For the Greeks, work was a curse, not a benefit. The Romans weren't much different. Cicero once remarked that all workers "are engaged in vulgar business; for a workshop can have nothing respectable about it." Into this Greco-Roman world, the Word became flesh and spent most of the years of his life at a carpenter's bench. Jesus, by revealing true theology, inverted the entire social order. 


Reproductive Ethics, Genetic Engineering, and the Common Good

Dr. Steven Umbrello

By grounding reproductive choices in Lonergan's ethical framework and the Catholic tradition in which his approach was developed, we can navigate the complex landscape of genetic technologies, focusing on collective human flourishing without defaulting to reductionistic narratives and sterile utilitarian calculus. Policymakers, medical professionals, Church leaders, and parents all have roles to play in this endeavor. 


The Athenaeum Center Offers Truth Through Narrative

Katie Branigan

Artistic articulations of the theological landscape are integral to the evangelization efforts of the Church. Our experience of art and of life ought to be a gradual attunement to the voice of Christ, which speaks through his creation the whole world over. Chicago's Athenaeum Center works to build out a robust program worthy of the weight and glory of our artistic inheritance.


What Can I Do? Jill's House and the Value of Respite

Mark Bradford

"It's like a spa and summer camp for kids with special needs." Jill's House is a Christian nonprofit organization that loves and serves families raising individuals from ages 6-22 with profound intellectual disabilities through short-term, overnight respite care and holistic family support services. Mark Bradford spoke with president and CEO, Joel Dillon, and one of Jill's House's appreciative parents, Maura.


Bad Infinity, Good Infinity, and the Truth 

Dr. Richard Clements 

Escaping from the constraints and limitations imposed on us by the existence of objective truth initially appears to open up to us a world of infinite possibilities, but this new realm of a seemingly infinite freedom turns out to involve what Hans Urs von Balthasar has called a "bad infinity." But there is an infinite abyss of truth, a good infinity in which we are all intended to "live and move and have our being."


The New Vatican Document on the Papacy: An Overview 

Dr. Richard DeClue

On June 13, 2024, the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity (DPCU) published a new document on the papacy composed of two documents bound and published together. It is not a magisterial text but a study document that collates the results of ecumenical endeavors regarding the papacy and appends in a complementary text what the Dicastery finds to be the most promising proposals.


What Is a Writer? Introducing the Institute Writer Showcase

Dr. Holly Ordway

It's not something you leave for the flash of inspiration; it's not something you do once in a blue moon; if you are a writer, then writing is a thing you do, as a habit, a practice, a regular part of your life. Writing in community is important: it helps us to do our best work—and for Christians who are writers, we have a responsibility to use our gifts and talents well and not waste them or pat ourselves on the back in complacency.


Does a Single Hangover Disprove God's Existence?

Dr. Christopher Kaczor

The logical problem of evil holds that any evil whatsoever disproves God's existence. It assumes that a good agent must always prevent all the suffering that he has the power to prevent. But this is not true. A good God may permit evil, including the evil that we choose, for a good purpose. The logical problem of evil, though popular, has been widely recognized by contemporary philosophers as a failure to disprove the existence of God.


Reclaiming Faith and Reason

John Schutte

Public discourse has often been reduced to a false choice between "faith," taken to mean blind acceptance of arbitrary propositions, and "reason," taken to mean empirically provable values. By reaffirming both faith and reason, properly understood, we can together fulfill our purpose to tend and enjoy the good earth God has given us for his glory. 


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